A wandering place of

A wandering place
of metamorphosis

What is it?

A self-igniting elixir. A formula impossible to recreate in laboratories. Appears in the eyes of living beings. When there is time. Where there is space. With those who are ready to dream, imagine, and envision devoutly. And we do exist for this to happen within us.


This is the manifestation of new parts of oneself. It happens through recognizing ourselves in others, recalling and discovering places, conversing with civilizations, connecting with the elements, and observing phenomena.

Connectedness with the ancient in the present, with the future in the present.

What is hidden within us, can become evident to us. A rich solution of connections and relationships. With the nature of the planet and humanity. With the inner world and the flow of life.

From where are we looking at the world?

To us, nature and I are one. We drink in uncertainty as a gift in anticipation of miracles. We hold our breath when we catch a glimpse of ourselves in the eyes of another, and it is in that very moment that we truly begin to breathe. We are all those who find themselves in the same boat, at the same time, in one heart.

We have no teacher other than everything that is within and around us. We do not expect from anyone; we delight. Ourselves and the other self. Our own different nature – that is what “X” means to us.

XJordan – 30°19′43″N 35°26′31″E

May 17-25, 2025

XRed Sea: 25°03′38″N, 34°53′21″E

March 1-8, 2025

XSinai – 28°29′35″N 34°30′17″E

August 16-24, 2025

XMauritius – 20°9′52″S 57°30′15″E

June 07-17, 2025

The worldview and sacred knowledge of civilizations that preceded and coexist alongside us. The Egyptian civilization – The Genius of the Nile. The Civilization of Water – whales and dolphins.

Territories, aquatic areas, and what floats in the air. What can be seen with the eyes of the heart. Beyond borders and calendars. The Desert of Transition – Sinai.


Famous and unknown places and intangible heritage objects of all life forms on Earth. The Codes of Jordan. The Kris of Java Island.

Silence and emptiness. A place of truth. A place where something significant arrives for everyone, and it is always X. The secret that can become evident. The hidden, ready to reveal itself. The light that occurs.

Xpedition Formula


Like going on a date with a loved one. A date with Nature. Like stepping into a cherished dwelling. Filled with trepidation, a little shy, in the presence and under the watchful eye of the caring Guardian. Willing to take responsibility, first and foremost for oneself, in order to love her. With the dream of merging what we are and becoming one. To look with loving eyes. To bear witness to life in this Home.

Where to?

To our unexplored corners. They will reveal themselves in encounters with cherished dreams. They will grow in connection with the unfamiliar. With dolphins. With humans. With water. With the desert. With ancient civilizations. With the other self. With the other within oneself. A growth from whole to whole. In tune with the moon and the waves. To discover oneself. To discover the eternal, again and again. Making room for the hidden, ready to become evident, and for the new, ready to unfold.

2024 Ocean Desert
JAN add your text here
FEB add your text here
MAR XSea'red Dolphins
March 01-08
APR XNile Key of Life
March 29 - April 7
MAY XJordan
May 17-25
JUN XMauritius Whales
June 7-17
JUL Xxpedition Discovery
Jul 13-22
AUG XSinai
August 16-24
SEP XMauritius Whales
Sep 14-22, 2025
OCT XJordan Codes of Jordan
Oct 13-20
NOV add your text here
DEC XLabyrinth of Fayum
Dec 5-15

How are Xpeditions different from traditional retreats?

There is no role of the Teacher, viewed through a single lens, even the most exquisite school or tradition. Instead, there are guides who can accompany our connection with the place, elements, civilizations, events, and artifacts. In the language of synthesizing science, senses, and direct knowledge. There is no hierarchy, only support, being alongside, and together.

How are Xpeditions different from entertainment tourism?

It’s about the perspective from which we observe and breathe. From which we choose our directions of movement, gather maps, and conceive events.

We are more captivated than entertained. It’s a significant distinction. It so happens that the places we interact with are often little known. And even if they are part of tourist routes, we approach them differently. Tourism tends to consume. In Xpeditions, we interact and give. We gift a piece of ourselves to each territory and body of water we connect with. And we gain and recall the details concealed from us – inside us.