JUNE 7-17
What is it?
Imagine that he is the most intelligent being on the planet. Hard to picture?
– Yes, it’s more like my imagination conjures up a fairy tale.
– That’s alright. Then imagine he’s the smartest person on the planet, just wearing a costume and swimming in the open ocean.
Would you approach him? How? With what? From where would you emerge? What would you want to do together? What would you touch? What question would you ask? What answer would you give? Where would your voice come from? What would be the tone of your voice? Your way of walking? Your speed? How do you envision your meeting?
Create this image in your mind, gift it to your heart, and wait as if it has already happened.
Why, you ask?
The ocean is God’s Tear of Love. Here, the Light of the Sky and the Salt of the Earth merge with Water, fusing into One, their essence and structure unified.
The ocean holds an invisible and indestructible structure – a standard of Harmony and Beauty in creation and the created.
The ocean, a Chasm of Love, combines the Earth’s core and the Heavens, as water unites matter and spirit.
The grandest body of Light is the ocean. Light luxuriates in water, he takes form in her and revels in his own image. The ocean is the densest form of Light in the world; it can be touched, one can be imbued with it, soaked in syrup of Light and Love.
Those who’ve witnessed the play of Light in water know what I speak of. Those who’ve seen the dazzling eyes of a person emerging from the ocean understand. Those who’ve gazed into a whale’s eyes in the ocean know.
Water bestows upon us a meeting with Light. In the water, light is engrossed with forms, penetrating to the depths, sparkling on the surface. Water holds It, keeps It for us, so that we, too, can meet her beloved – the Light.
Sperm Whales, Humpback Whales, and Dolphins
Mauritius is one of the favorite habitats for whales and dolphins. Here lives a large family of sperm whales that has become quite famous among people and especially close to us. Several films have been made about them.
Humpback whales come here to give birth and raise their young. We have communicated with dolphins in several picturesque places close to the shore of the island.
Over several years, we have metaphorically formed a triangle around Africa. On volcanic islands along three sides of the African continent, there are identical pyramids. In Tenerife, there are the Guimar Pyramids, near the Teide volcano. In Sicily, especially on the northern slope of Mount Etna. And in the middle of the Indian Ocean on the island of Mauritius, there is a complex of 7 pyramids. They are not a destination for tourists, and there are no mentions of them in guidebooks. Officially, they remain a mystery, a very personal discovery for each of us.
Temple and the Sacred Lake Ganga Talao
The temple is dedicated to the God Shiva. Lake Ganga Talao is considered a sacred counterpart to the Ganges River in India, and its waters are believed to be healing and blessed.
The lake was formed in the crater of an extinct volcano at an elevation of about 550 meters above sea level.
Every year during the Maha Shivaratri festival, thousands of pilgrims fly in from all over the world, and Mauritians walk to the temple from all corners of the island.
Mauritius was formed as a result of underwater volcanic eruptions in the Indian Ocean. It is believed to have occurred around 10 million years ago. The island is surrounded by the world’s third-largest coral reef.
The plateaus and mountains of Mauritius are sliced by hundreds of small rivers with rapids and waterfalls. The Seven-Step Waterfall of Tamarin has the largest water discharge, powered by three rivers. On the Le Morne Brabant peninsula, which is part of the UNESCO World Heritage List, lies the famous optical illusion of an underwater waterfall.
Riambel Vortex
A sacred place. Fourteen vortices have been discovered worldwide, and one of them is located in Mauritius. The Riambel The Riambel Vortex is a place of energies. Here, it is possible to feel the harmony with nature’s forces and to restore the balance of inner elemnts within one’s own structure.
The initiatory journey in the vortex starts with a quiet dive into the Well of Light. This space invites you to let go of the unnecessary and embrace what truly matters. Following this, meditation at the Vortex’s center helps harmonize your system’s centers. It promotes healing and well-being.
Silence and emptiness. A place where something significant arrives for everyone, and it is always X. The secret that can become evident. The hidden, ready to reveal itself. The light that occurs.
What to pack
.. Passport, printed plane tickets
.. Sunscreen and sunglasses
.. Motion sickness medication
.. Lightweight wetsuit and/or lycra, swimsuits, fins, snorkel, and mask
.. Headgear such as a buff, bandana, hat, or cap
.. Windbreaker, shorts, t-shirts, lightweight trekking sneakers or sandals, and flip-flops or slippers
For sacred sites on the island:
.. Men: lightweight pants
.. Women: lightweight pants and/or a below-the-knee skirt or dress that covers the shoulders.
.. GoPro camera with a waterproof case
.. Convenient water or tea bottle/thermos mug
.. Quick-drying lightweight towel
.. Dry bag (ideal for storing items in a boat)
How to Prepare?
Physical Preparation
You need to be comfortable relaxing in the water and swimming with fins. You should also be confident in breathing through a snorkel and looking through a mask. It’s great if you can dive, but it’s not necessary for meeting a whale. The most important thing is a sincere desire to meet the whale. Trust in yourself, the world, and inner peace. We will be nearby on land and in water.
Anything else?
We’ve taken care of every detail for your island stay. An experienced captain will take us to meet the whales. Stylish accommodations await, perfect for relaxation and enjoying gourmet meals. Additionally, we’ve arranged comfortable transportation to guarantee a smooth and enjoyable experience.
Water temperature is between 24°C and 28°C; air temperature is between 21°C and 26°C.